Title: "Into The West" Author: trulybloom Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester Rating: PG Warnings: no spoilers, just speculation Season/Episode References: Season 5 in general
Title: "The Perks Of Being A Hunter" Author: trulybloom Characters: Luis, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Dean Winchester Rating: PG Warnings: none Season/Episode References: Season 1 Ep 1 'pilot'
Title: "Not Every Day Was A Bad Day In Hell, For Dean" Author: trulybloom Characters: Bela Talbot, Dean Winchester Rating: PG Warnings: none Season/Episode References: Season 3 Ep 15 'Time Is On My Side'
Title: "The Birds And The Bees" or "Sometimes Being A Dad Is More Challenging Than Being A Hunter" Author: trulybloom Characters: John Winchester, Dean (age 14) Rating: PG Warnings: none Season/Episode References: none
Title: "The Origin Of The Busted-Up Walkman" or "Another One Of Dean's Unfortunate Musical Choices" or "Why Sam's Musical Taste Differs From Dean's" Author: trulybloom Characters: John Winchester, Dean (age 10), Sammy (age 6) Rating: general/all-ages Warnings: none Season/Episode References: 'Phantom Traveler' (0104)
Title: "Even When They Were Being Typical Kids, They Weren't" Author: trulybloom Characters: Sam (age 5), Dean (age 9) Rating: mild Warnings: moderate Season/Episode References: 'Faith' (0112)
Title: "What’s The Point In Saving The World If You Can't Get A little Nookie Once In A While?" Author: trulybloom Characters: John, Ellen Rating: mild Warnings: none Season/Episode References: 'Everybody Loves A Clown' (0202) and 'Hunted' (0210)
Title: "Eventually, John Stopped Asking" Author: trulybloom Characters: John, Dean (ages 4¾, 6, & 7 ), and Sam (ages 6 mos & 3 yrs) Rating: general/all-ages Warnings: none Season/Episode References: pilot (0101) and Dead In The Water (0103)
Title: "After A Long Night Of Fighting For Dean's Life" Author: trulybloom Characters: Sam and Dean Rating: general/all-ages Warnings: no spoilers - just rampant speculation Season References: 2 & 3